Wednesday, March 9, 2016

haven't you heard of Malay impression saying "kerana mulut, badan binasa" ?
well I've been quite an observant person since I'm not a big talker or shall how you call it an introvert.
I don't talk much with people I'm not close with, not comfortable with, or much worse, a person that I don't like. in my workplace, there have been two people who are appropriate to be put in that malay impression. One is the kind of person who likes to condemn everything that people do. there must be something wrong with it or something that she's not comfortable with. it happened to me when I wanted to launched a program for school that day and I had to chase the dateline. when she glanced at my text, she asked me and started to interrogate and like a boss she said let's do it next time. of course I was like burning inside. and she likes to talk loud and insensitive. she likes to use sarcasm a lot like that is her second language. even sometimes in a meeting, when the boss is talking, she whispering to her friends about something that she's not satisfied with. I mean, sometimes even when you act as an older person, you should have a respect. this week, she needed to be transferred to another school. The boss didn't defend her at a higher level. Boss pon satu sebenarnya, at least defend la your crew paling-paling tak nak pun. he didn't make an effort. or maybe he just want she begs for him to stay in that school which you know naturally, men and ego couldn't be separated. but then again, setiap kesalahan itu, datang daripada manusia itu sendiri. if only she could be more sensitive and didn't talk back that much, the boss could have defended her. I think lah.. 

and the second one is probably one of the most dangerous people living on earth. This person I knew, she likes to talk ill to other people with other people. it's complicated right? that kind of person that likes to sell a story and the kind of a keyboard warrior. sounds familiar? when she goes to other people that she has been talking ill too, then sell another story. recently, she had an issue with this person at school and it has became quite hell fire for both of them and seriously because of them, it has affected the whole work place. If only this thing happened and she let it pass, not selling the story anymore, if she could has been more quiet. she probably didn't get called up by the boss.twice. just because of her mouth. 

haven't you heard of an impression "mulut manusia lagi tajam dari mata pedang"?

both of these people received their lesson. I'm not trying to be mean, I'm trying to be observant. some people refused to be advised. refused to know what is wrong with them..

In Quran, there is stated "Sesungguhnya Allah tidak menzalimi manusia sedikir pun, tetapi manusia itulah yang menzalimi dirinya sendiri." (Yunus 10:44)

I'm not trying to be smart. but I believe is how much you grow mentally rather than growing physically. I hope as I growing, I'm not gonna be like one of those people I have seen. Just take them as lesson. don't become them. Nauzubillah.Stay away from heart illness and talking ill to other people and much more worse, selling the stories. 

stay quiet when listen stories which aren't good for you. remain quiet when people talking ill about you. but I guess at the end of the day, you just have to be patient. besar tau pahala kalau jadi sabar. Aku ni bukan menyabar sangat pon. sometimes ada jugak sharing stories with my other friend just because I felt so tired of those dramas. but not like manipulated it or making the work place even more like a battle for me to survive. 

there goes my work place drama. Aku kalo boleh lari, nak lari je but responsibility is still a responsibility. if you work for a pleasure of Allah, you never feel tired. even if you feel tired pun, kau akan rasa puas of all the works you have done. 

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