Friday, August 11, 2017

August note

my post is getting dumber day by day. I wrote it last night, this morning I woke up and read back of what I'd written, I deleted back. is it because of the pills I swallowed? I took so much medicines through the whole weeks of wisdom tooth removal torture. I'm gonna post about my experience on that. Still updating the post. I got some stuff to buy today. Usual stuff yada yada. bought new work table at Ikea. help me to keep myself organized.I can put documents where it supposed to be arranged. I called my parents about how my wisdom tooth removed. it was heartwarming to tell that kind of experience to your parents. they might not be able to touch your shoulder and calm you down but at least, their voices, console.

still yet to finish my reading about Bali before I go there. the trip is end of this month. think I'd probably read too much about that place and now I feel like I've known that place for quite some time. It's like I've been there before. talking about the power of reading huh?  I'm not sure if I'm ready for the trip. I even almost forgot about it and haven't prepared myself for the trip. There's nothing much to buy or to prepare anyway. this is just like The Aussie Trip all over again. I didn't prepare much for the last trip too. I didn't go travel like a high end or high standard. This is me, with my big travel bag pack with a sling bag on the shoulder. that's it. I'm not like Elfira Loy or whoever you think going travel luxuriously. Travel is being a traveler and adventure. without a fancy luggage or fashionable outfits. those are just for famous people while I'm just a regular traveler.

so at least, I need to bear in mind that I have trip to go this August. Last time it felt long to wait but now it's finally coming. I already have my next trip waiting in line after this one. I need to create a group for the next trip cause guess what? next trip would be a group venture. Join venture isn't really my favorite first of all. this trip supposed to be me, shiron and my other college. I don't know how it finally turned into a massive turn over and suddenly this one wants to tag along and this one asks her friend whether she wanted to come along and then tag another person to the other. the heck? I was dumbfounded. but now, there's nothing much I can do instead to just go for it.

but let's just see this on a positive side. but I don't how am I planning to be positive since most of them who wanted to join are the beginners if you know what I mean. so, me and my friends need to plan it out very carefully. we don't want to have problems there. I'm not saying that I'm already experience in going to another place but it's different if we go backpacker with a group travel. if you went backpacker you get to experience first hand. Group travelling kinda just touch a little bit on a place, you can't stay longer cause you have other place to go. this is just merely sightseeing. might as well you just visit your own country if you wanted to go for a sightseeing isn't it? but I hope this is going just great, InsyaAllah. It's gonna be Korea next year. pray everything will work well. Amin!



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