Friday, October 16, 2015

happiness up to Mars level

Big news! Drum roll pleaseee!

Alhamdulillah..I finally able to have my own car and it’s today! I’ll take the car from a showroom this afternoon.Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah! Alhamdulillah for a non-stop prosperity from Allah, The Most Gracious and Most Merciful. To be honest, I never expected to have my own car,  I mean I did imagined of that but, never thought ayah would sponsor the down payment. I already told him, I didn’t mind driving any kind of car as long as I could call is as my own..but he insisted. I wanted to sell my kenari, but he resisted. It’s his advice that I followed. I was a bit frustrated at first because he didn’t want to sell it. and then he said he wanted to sponsor the down payment so I just, really really blessed to a father like him.

And you know, little did I know, my life has turned out really great this year. Alhamdulillah. Last year was a bit suck. This year, I could turn things around. There’s so much things happened this year and I enjoyed most of ‘em. And then, the latest one, I signed up for swimming lesson. It had been on my list since ages but I just didn’t dare to take it out since I didn’t know whether I could accomplish it. yesterday my housemate blurted out about swimming lesson so I just jumped in and said I wanted to sign up. And so it happened both of us wanted to. Honestly I didn’t know why I did that but, I already promise to myself that I’m going to taste what life wants to offer me.
Come, what may come, right?

The chances are there, might as well I just grabbed it. God please you already know (if you read my blog consistently haha) there’s so many things I want to do. Bungee jumping, ice-skating, stargazing, travelling, swimming, ballet, participating in a festival,etc..

Have I told you? That I’m an adventure seeker? Hahaha.

Now before you say anything, this has got nothing to do with my date, okay. My life would turn out great even with or without him.

Because at the end of the day, all you need is Allah’s blessing. May you have a blissful weekend, Amin.

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