Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The universe part two

I guess the universe is on my side this time. I mean, I never thought that I’m gonna be one of those people. I always find two persons who fall in love and have a first date was cliché and now, I’m involving myself into those cliché part, mannn…I just wanna die.haha. dying of gooey and sticky feelings inside bahahaha. But anyhow, Alhamdulillah for this memorable feelings Ya Allah.

Who knows, first date wasn’t that awkward. All we did was talk and talk and talk non-stop. We never ran out of topics. I mean we had a lot to talk about and I was curious about him. We laughed, bickering and sometimes threw our views outsides. But I was a bit late cause I was stuck in a traffic for well, almost half an hour and he had to ask for a refill. And sempat stopped by at Watson (in my first date). Way to go Rashidah.pfftt..

So, my impressions? I didn’t expect much. I didn’t aim much. I just wanted to get to know him and get along with him and I did. Oh yea, one more thing. This guy is tall as hell. I felt awkward in a first place, I felt midget-ty but then, it went well. I couldn’t believe that after 24 years, I finally be able to go out and went on a date. a real date. an official date. well, at least, I could consider it as a date haha.Mannn.. that was really out of my reach and I had been erased it in my list. But, who knows? I finally able to..

Who knows, my first date gave me a helianthus annus? No one.

No one but Him.


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