Friday, January 8, 2016


You should know one thing.

I don’t really comfortable exposing myself as a teacher. Tak tahu kenapa but it just happens to be that way. I don’t commercialize myself that way. Some people, they would write on their profile like ‘teacher-to-be or dedicated English teacher or even their username is cikgu. Kalau keluar pegi mana-mana, I would try my best to hide the appearance as an educator but again, they would just recognise it, really. Kadang-kadang when I go to pasar malam, the seller would be like ‘nak beli apa cikgu?’ and I looked at them with a stupid surprise face. Last time, I stopped by at nasi kukus. When I stood there, the guy was just ‘ye..nak ayam yg mana cikgu?’ and again, with a stupid surprise face, I looked at him. Sampai sekarang aku dah segan nk singgah kedai nasi kukus tu. It’s not that I’m not proud to be a teacher but, kadang-kadang masih lagi rasa tak layak to hold that title. Nak nak lagi bila baru masuk second year and there’s still a lotttt of things to be sharpen. My pedagogy especially.

Because I believe, if you wanted people to call you with a certain title, you have to earn it. and aku tak rasa yg aku layak dipanggil ‘cikgu’ FOR NOW.

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