Sunday, February 14, 2016

I really want to get through February really really fast, cause obviously when you even look at the commercial break, they would show you some affections of valentine’s Day and show some love story movies. For a single person like me? it makes me want to throw a bowl of cereal in front of tv.

Kadang-kadang bila sebut pasal cinta ni aku pun dah nk muntah. I guess when you reach 20 and above, it tires you when somebody asks ‘bila nk kawin?’ ‘dah ada org punya ke belum?’ you know, those sorts of questions. Nasib my family don’t push me too hard. I mean, takde la nk menyibuk tanya “bila nk kawin?” “dah ade orang ke belum?”

But still, you can’t just stop talking about that. Because love is probably the cutest thing ever that Allah gives us. Cinta itu satu fitrah. You can’t deny that. and I think cinta adalah nikmat yang paling unstoppable (don’t know why I said that) and we know from there, Allah is the most gracious. Either your islam or not, you still get the love. Sebenarnya aku tak kisah if this year I’m no near close to marriage cause if you look at logically, 2016 isn’t a great year. I’m talking about the economy, the prices, the jobs, kids, education and all those bastards who keep making money without thinking of other people who needs the most.

Atau mungkin aku dah terbiasa feeling so hearbroken, when somebody wants to mend the pieces, aku rasa uncomfortable. So I would rather just stay away. I’ve known this one guy for only a year or maybe not even close to a year. Seriously, aku pun rasa nk gelak dekat diri sendiri. I mean who would have survived a relationship not more than a year? We went on a date once which for me wasn’t really a date. It’s more like getting to know each other. Still remember that time aku dah niat, nk jumpa dia niat nk kenal and that’s it. I mean, you can’t just getting to know someone blindly just by reading texts he sends. But still, he’s the great guy that I’ve ever known. It’s a shame us wasn’t working out. I have no regrets getting to know him. It’s perfect, almost. And I thought that I have the happy ending right in front of my eyes I almost grab it. but maybe once again, I’m kind of afraid of my future. And to tag him along, it makes me feel even more scared.

Tapi siapalah aku nk mempersoalkan takdir Allah. Setiap pertemuan tidak akan ditemukan dengan sia-sia. Yang tu aku yakin.

I just really hope that he meets a woman that he truly loves. He’s a decent guy. May Allah bless him through and through. Amin..

1 comment:

Amalina Ahmad said...

maybe him coming to you is a hint, is a clue for you to find your match that can complete the puzzle. inshaAllah, he is there somewhere.. like i said to you right, let 2016 surprises you. now it's only feb. i am just like you, wishing for this feb to go away. but guess what, i am listening to love songs at lite fm while writing this, because, why not? have faith yeah.. keep on fighting.