Sunday, July 2, 2017

sugar sugar honey honey

still got my luggage left unpacked. who could ever imagine driving 11 hours on the road. all the way from kelantan to kl? and driving back again for 2 1/2 hours to Muar? who would ever thought of that? curse any kinds of flight tickets cause that ain't work now. every good thing comes with a price. last time when I booked my flight ticket, Air Asia cancelled the flight I needed to book a new one. the price was hiking up so that's when I decided "screw it, I'll drive." and every thing comes with effort and struggle. I stuck almost 12 hours traffic jam to go back for raya. everything was like honey honey, sugar sugar sweet thinking about hometown and raya songs. but the torture I had to bear, no one knows. and yeah, I caught fever flu (again) I was not feeling well last March and now it's happening again. but kids got better really. I teach them rather smoothly today and they're behaving so goood. I tolerate with them now. Mostly..cause I'm tired wasting my energy getting angry with them. I'm gonna be tolerate with them more often starting from now on. there's this one girl in my year 1 class, she always doesn't wear pair of socks and it bothers me. Since the beginning of the year I asked her up til now. Probably she lost it somewhere and screw it, I'm gonna buy her socks if her mom didn't want to then. School Open day this coming thursday if I wasn't mistaken. come whatever may. the parents tho. the complains. whatever the hell they wanna be. I'm just gonna flip my tudung and smile. tired over drama. I got so much work really. talking about work, I need to discuss about my research project with my workmate, Sharvin, tomorrow about our seminar pendidikan. seriously, this doesn't feel like me at all to volunteer to that kind of academic purposes. it's weird tho, this kinda changing. cause I wanted it. and I want that valuable certificate to push me on a higher level. I'm still chasing for my study so I hope this cert will do me a little favor in the future.

I hope this month (The July) is gonna be honey honey sugar sugar sweet sweet in terms of everything. My life mostly. just want how it turn out to be. tho my bank account doesn't allow me to but I'm gonna have to cherish it. no other option. gotta hit the bed very soon. Tired out of sniffing my nose too much and sneeze too much.

last but not least,

thank you, you. for coming again and apologized over everything. I'm really grateful.


p/s: apologize for any kinds of grammatical errors. It happens sometimes. I'm tried, tired I mean

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