Tuesday, August 22, 2017

21st century alien generations

I guess my withdrawal from social media for 30 days wasn’t bad at all. I managed to control myself, restraining myself from keep on scrolling the post. Something positive happened and vice versa. I improved on my teaching progress. So, the quality of working is there. I worked hard more to give my best for the students. Meanwhile, it’s hell at the same time teaching year 1 kids, it’s hell. I repeat, it’s hell. Tho I’ve become so much more patient than the previous years but this time around, I’m not sure where the kids are coming from. I can feel the age gap is happening. I can’t really understand how they’re nurtured at home by their parents. there are total different in manners, style of learning and common sense. Okay totally. Maybe it isn’t fair to talk about common sense with the year 1 but umm..it seems like they’re born in different planet. They don’t follow my instruction, they followed their own. They didn’t follow what I want, they just do what they like and what they wanted to do. If I said do A, they would do B C D E. I have nothing to say to this new generation really. They make me speechless, congratulations. You’re aliens, kids. 

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