Saturday, August 26, 2017

Now Boarding: Perth, Australia

travel date: 10.3.2017

right after Shiron decided to travel to Japan. I diverted myself to Perth, Australia cause the ticket was cheap. when shiron offered the Japan trip at that I was contemplating whether to go or not. Besides, I was cash out a bit so couldn't afford to pay at the large amount at the very short amount of time. so I had to decline it. right after the pay day, my college said Air Asia made a pretty good deal and Perth was one of the place. The flight ticket for depart and return only cost us RM573.10. yup, we got lucky. so, we booked the ticket. after we were planning to backpacker but one of our friends have a child so we had no choice but to choose a travel agent. it was pretty convenient actually to search for a travel agent. Honestly, I didn't bother to scroll down facebook and read about the place in facebook. I'd rather do it old school way. searched it on the internet and make your own reading. so we paid for a ground price, cost for about RM1,500. This was actually the cheapest price that we could get for a ground price at Perth. and it was worth it. but it took a hard work tho to found a cheaper price and glad we did.

eating dinner on flight. It was delicious when you're hungry. 

we reached Perth at evening, so we decided to take a walk at the oxford street (thank god I still remember the name of the place. took me some time to recall it. poor memory. ) the building behind my back is called The London Court. we bought some dinner here at the street market. and the street market was amaaaazing! you should go here. you can taste and eat different kind of selection like almost from all over the globe. we on the other hand had to choose very carefully in a matter of 'halal-ness' so, we need to be aware of the ingredients that they use. it's a shame tho, if not, I wouldn't buy all the food there. 

second day, we visited the pinnacles. It was an amazing rock formations. the weather here is quite chilly. I like how the sun blazing through the sky but you still get the cold wind. but be mindful to bring your sunblock. 

here also one of the amazing place to go. Sand dunes! it's like a desert but the sand is very white. and the wind is chilly! thats what I like about the perth's weather. and good for taking photos as well. you can actually walk until you reach the top and play sand boarding. 

At the Moore River. 

this kaili's fish and chips were quite delicious. Nak cakap sedap sgt2 tu takde la but you can still taste the real classic of fish and chips. I love the atmosphere here. the restaurant is located besides the bay so it's pretty relaxing to sit and eat your meal. unfortunately it was raining heavily when we reached Kaili's so kinda sucks cause we had to wait for other people to finish their meal. Most of tables were soaked. 

so here's, at the Caversham Wildlife Park. It an aamaazing trip! I love it here. you know, one thing cause you can feed the kangaroos. took picture with wombat and koala. so those animals we don't have in was worth a trip. I think this place is wildlife forest friendly. you feel like walking through a real wildlife. 

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