Sunday, October 8, 2017

A Golden ticket

 Since I raised hand to volunteer in education seminar, it seems to me that it keeps on opening doors to the next. I always have other opportunity comes flooding in and it’s overwhelming. The feeling, if you wanted me to describe. It’s overwhelming. Early this month I was selected to be the committee members for CEFR. Now, another new chance coming in and it feels so weird for me to just keep on accepting it. Those chances for me, are golden. And I find it weird because those golden tickets usually would be passed down to the senior first then later, will be passed it down to us and that even if only we were experienced enough. But it seems to me that, the opportunities now a lot are passing it down to us. Which is us, you can still call the fresh baked postgraduates where we’re still learning about the work environment, school culture and such.

And now, they’re giving us a chance to present our education seminar proposal to the state level (which is INSANE by the way) cause my title, my work, the proposal that I want to present is pretty straightforward and it’s a common issue. My district level officer now is giving me a chance to present my work at UTM to talk about our action research. If we were selected, we will get paid (which I kinda hope that we get selected haha) because hey, money is golden as well, isn’t it?
But, again, crazy September. This is probably the weirdest birthday gift ever. I wouldn’t expect this. And another crazy thing is, my travel-lust is getting higher and higher. I feel like I want to travel more I don’t care of how many countries that I’ve travelled this year. I want more places to go. And I keep on searching about it. I want to go to Hokkaido, Japan so bad! I feel like the symptom of ‘running away’ from the reality is happening. It’s like I’m searching for escapism, trying to get out for theseeee responsibilities Gotta give talk to senior teachers (which still giving me nightmare) and now I have to present my action research during the English Language Conference in a state level? Please just let me liveeeee…

But apart from it still, tryna be positive. Chances, opportunity. They don’t come twice. There must be reason for everything, doesn’t it? funny thing, trying to rationalize in my head ‘it’s gonna be a great experience, good opportunity, another stepping stone lah ape lah..’

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